Aug 15

On Vacation In Crimea

Sure, summer – is the time for a memorable and quality vacation. And once on the street thermometers abruptly jumps temperature – we just reflect on vacation. I want to go somewhere far away, or not, For example, in the Black Sea to rest. The climate in most countries of the CIS can relax at the local ski resorts around the sun three months of the year. Unfortunately, employers do not allow you to spend it all on vacation, and we restrict ourselves to a standard maximum of 24 days. And the little time we want to spend the maximum.

Some choose distant islands and resorts, but this has its drawbacks – bother with visas, flights and their costs and problems with acclimatization. Why bother it, if there is such a beautiful place, as the Crimea. In Crimea you can get vivid impressions, a great tan and unforgettable memories for the future. After all, there are many interesting cities and holiday destinations: Gurzuf, Yalta, Sudak … Yes they are hard to count on your fingers. Rest in Crimea is famous for excellent improving effect and the particular mild climate. There are plenty of hotels, guest houses and buildings rest, amazingly developed private sector. The service sector is improving and improving.

Special thanks to the fact that vacation in the Crimea is full of spiritual discovery, because this region is frequented by many creative people. Rich in the Crimean peninsula and its history, which can not boast of any resort. It crossed as some tragic, so many positive aspects of history not only of this beautiful edge, but in many countries and people. Be sure to return from leave, if friends and colleagues will always ask questions you will answer that very well rested and gained new experiences uymy!