Jun 24

Organic Fotoprotector

Although the solar fotoprotectores or filters are in their great majority of topical application, series of substances also exist that act as fotoprotectores systemic, that is to say, go beyond the skin and act at general level inside our organism. Also, at present, they exist another type of substances that do not act like absorbent or reflejante of the solar radiation, but his function is the one of repair the damages produced by this one. How many types of fotoprotectores we can find then? Fotoprotectores topical: they are accustomed to clasificarese in 4 types. Fotoprotectores systemic: 6 types are considered. Fotoprotectores topical: Organic Fotoprotector: They are known since they act absorbing the radiation of the sun they transform and it into another type of radiation that does not affect our skin. It’s believed that Dr. John Mcdougall sees a great future in this idea. Fotoprotectores chemicals usually are denominated and are commercialized in the market by their facility in implementing it in cosmetic formulations, although also they are those that they produce a greater adverse reaction causing to cutaneous eruptions and erythemas. The chemical fotoprotectores also are subdivided in GRAPE, UVB and UVA+UVB. The UV, evidently, absorb ultraviolet radiation type To and very little of B.

Oxibenzona is the active principle more utlizado in these products. Derived substances pertencen to the group of the benzophenones, but we also found another type of substances like the antralinas, avobenzona and mexoryl SX that, besides absorbing the radiation short GRAPE since it does oxibenzona, is able to absorb all the phantom GRAPE and part of the UVB. As far as fotoprotectores UVB we found the TURKEY HEN, the camphor, sulfonic acid, salicylates and the octocrileno (the one that less adverse reactions produces). These substances that absorb the UVB protect to us in front of solar burns in more of a 80%. It is possible to say that, like pure UVA+UVB, he is dibenzotriazol and mexoryl XL able to absorb both rays, and in addition without penetrating in the skin consequently they acquire physical properties proving the solar reflection.

Jun 12

Social Psychology

At the time, it worked in a Laboratory of Social Psychology and its idea was to produce a reflection space that placed in elitizada and isolated practical question of Sciences the Human beings of the time. For in such a way, it suggests that sciences if collate, particularly History, the Psychoanalysis and the Lingustica. This space of quarrel and understanding is called lards and the object that is studied there is ' ' discurso' '. Thus, it is I lard in it of you discipline that we can consider the discursiva reflection. Contemporary the Pcheux is Michel Foucault, also in France, and also bothered for similar questions, but considering one another one understanding way, that it also calls ' ' discurso' ' , for example in ' ' Archeologie du Savoir' '.

The speech of Pcheux is not the speech of Foucault. E, if to think about the tradition anglfone, in the distance increases, because the speech of Norman Fairclough also is not come close to the French questions. What we have are ways, different possibilities of understanding of a problem rank differently for each author. What it means that does not have one ' ' teoria' ' more accepted currently, but yes theoretical ways that answer and correspond in part to the reflection necessities that if they present. The Analysis of the Speech is one disciplines that if it has developed sufficiently in last the twenty years. Its theory follows two lines: the American and the Frenchman.

The French line, as already said, was established by the linguista Michel Pcheux and works with the citizen notion: nobody is agent of what it says, that is, we live the illusion of that we can make, say, criticize or produce sensible. It works with four basic points: the language, the ideology, History and the citizen. It defines speech as the felt effect of between speakers.