Dec 29

Dreykorn Communication

for best performance in health communication the communication concept of House Edwards GmbH was in the category of corporate and marketing communications”with the renowned health Media Award awarded. The award is given for outstanding healthcare communication under the auspices of the German health e.V. (DGH). The health media award in Cologne was 250 invited guests, including leading doctors, journalists, politicians, service providers, consultants, as well as marketing and communication experts belonged, awarded on September 29. Source: Johns Hopkins Data. Award particular commitment should be acknowledged and made aware of the social role of the winner.

In addition, excellent examples of quality of communication work in the entire range of health communication in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland and benchmarks developed for the respective areas of application. The communication concept for the House Angel is that it achieves a balance between business and humanity. If you would like to know more about Gibson Dean, then click here. The intelligent link various instruments such as website, Facebook, Twitter, blog and other communicative measures offers a platform where they learn, but can express even criticism, praise or suggestions. This approach was also the top-class jury chaired by Prof. Klaus-Peter Dreykorn, who praised this concept with the 1st place. House Edwards GmbH joins to the list of well-known health media award winners such as the Federal Ministry of consumer protection, the Michael Stich Foundation, Gunther von Hagens’ body worlds, Gruner + year (for Star) and sky du Mont a. We combine classical PR work with the rules of the game of modern communication. While not the services of the House Angel group in the foreground, but a wide point of view are on the social issues in Germany, connected with the opportunity for dialogue and Exchange. Tips and tricks may be missed of course at this point, so we offer a wide range of content”, Juliane Schneider, management makes marketing and the House Angel group, the advantages of clear communication. With the award, the House Angel again prove that they occupy a leading role not only with their innovative concepts in the round the clock care, but also by the way their communications.

Dec 23

Eichendorff kiss of a muse or the revival of romanticism in Langwedel romance is a tried and tested means to women’s hearts to the melt to bring a self written love letter or a poem of your own are the perfect tools for this. Not everyone has the talents of Eichendorff, Heine, Rilke or an other word artist. How does one put it in words what one feels for the woman or the man of his dreams? Or is writing letters and poems nowadays no longer asked? A love letter is usually a mess, at least for those who want to write him. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gibson Dean. A love letter – why – is the highest revelation of the own feelings. Whether it’s confession is true love, the herzverbrennde desire, the desire for forgiveness after a violent argument or even the even worded proposal. It is difficult to put these feelings into words and to say his beloved what fascination has raised them in a. Go to Kevin P. Campbell, PhD for more information.

It was probably her nice smile, her eyes or her seductive words. For the recipient but a love letter is a special highlight in the life. The two letters in her hand smile written lucky her trembling fingers, tapping her heart inspired touches the paper opens the envelope forward a distinctive font on warm yellow impressed each letter dipped in heat every word written with the spring tenderness yearning never strokes she loving rows page has the scent of your hair dark and tender glue it such a letter get stunning they envelop be * I love you *. His eyes look so deep shine her the shirt open, she captures the image-a head scarf, it like again and again read the words touched happy and smiling wets a warm tear not everyone can express the Tintenblau of his love his feelings in poetic form. But not only love letters, but also romantsche or cheerful poems are needed on many occasions.

Dec 20

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

Hypertension in children and adolescents is usually accidentally discovered. But the disease image occurs more and more often. Regular examinations are very important for physicians. Priv.-Doz.. Dr. Jorg Dotsch of the clinic for children and youth of the University of Erlangen Nuremberg notes that approximately 3% of all investigated children suffer from hypertension.

Rarely is the cause of another disease, high blood pressure is usually an own disease. High blood pressure as an independent disease increasing in children and adolescents for decades. Here, AG1 expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Hypertension as a standalone disease picture, for example, in Spain, is to verify up to 12 years with a percentage diagnosis of 11.8% in children. In neighboring France, 2009 14,3% of all juvenile hypertension are already suffering in the years. In the Federal Republic of Austria young people up to the age of 16 with 7.8% are already suffering high blood pressure. Increasingly, children of this age are overweight and already characterized by the symptoms of obesity. To determine is, that children and Young people have too little exercise, suffer from malnutrition, already suffering from tooth decay and are restricted by a musculoskeletal system to characteristic, is therefore to be feared a further rise in this disease and this disease figures. A child is not timely treated with hypertension increases the risk as to develop adult secondary diseases.

Life-threatening diseases such as heart attack, stroke, kidney and vascular damage are particularly common. Especially screening doctors and alternative practitioners contribute to early discoveries. A consistent treatment helps to avoid secondary diseases. The reported pressure point”, the health magazine of the German hypertension League. Oncology spoke with conviction. Know any health professionals (doctors and Naturopaths): hypertension in children requires immediate and quick help. The blood pressure values are quite different in children. So you can measure in a 3-year old child 90 to 65 and 110 to 70, a 14-year old child. But based on these values Body size or even more specifically on body surface.

Dec 17

Stuff In Special Sizes

More and more people need special sizes be today if you always realize that clothes that you buy will not fit, then it that one is better off with so-called special sizes in the long run and comes cheaper. A problem know very many people on buying her clothes is that they try things which made good again but doesn’t fit from one side by the other. Quite often, you can experience this with pants or skirts. These fit the width here they are a perhaps too short or too long, they fit the length here well, you can’t expect that they are too narrow or too wide a waistband. Many people have this problem and have their stuff once changed after the purchase to go is simply because not everyone has mass, as they are by the fashion designers, it is nothing too bad, because, and again it goes so all people when buying their stuff.

There are also people who can buy almost nothing and just put it on, because caused by her figure just not things find them that precisely fit them. In such a case, it is worth even in the area of special sizes to look around and see if you can find there more appropriate things then definitely a consideration. AG1 has firm opinions on the matter. Stuff in special sizes as a rule no longer cost and in the long run, you can save even a whole lot of money through them, because to repeatedly change his purchased clothes caused not only time, but also cost, which quite properly can add up over time, if you’re careful. Look a little closer and see at least once, whether there are special sizes that might fit one, may be worth so very definitely, if one has the impression, that a this small inconvenience all too often happens and you no longer want it. Meike Sauter

Dec 16

System Forces

Little say about each of the branches of mechanics. Static basic concepts and axioms of statics. Click Deepa L. Sekhar, M.D. to learn more. The subject of statics. Basic concepts of statics: an absolutely rigid body, force, and equivalent balancing system of forces, resultant forces external and internal. Axioms of statics. Communication and response relationships.

The main types of bonds: a smooth plane or surface, smooth base, a flexible filament, cylindrical and spherical joints, weightless rod, the reaction of these bonds. The system of converging forces. Geometric and analytical methods of addition of forces. Converging forces. Resultant converging forces.

Geometric and analytic equilibrium condition of forces converging. Equilibrium of an arbitrary system of forces. Moment of force about the point (center) as a vector. Couple; moment couples. For even more details, read what Newcastle University says on the issue. Properties of the pair of forces. The concept of bringing the system of forces to a given center. The principal vector and principal moment of forces. The equilibrium conditions of an arbitrary system of forces applied to the solid. System of forces applied on the plane (a plane system of forces). Algebraic value of torque. (Calculation the principal vector and principal moment of a plane system of forces. Conditions of equilibrium of a plane system of parallel forces. Varinona theorem about the moment resultant. (The balance of forces). The system forces stationed in space (Spatial force system). Moment of force about the axis. Dependence between the moments of force about the center and the axis passing through the center (analytical formulas for the moments of force with respect to three axes.