Dreykorn Communication

for best performance in health communication the communication concept of House Edwards GmbH was in the category of corporate and marketing communications”with the renowned health Media Award awarded. The award is given for outstanding healthcare communication under the auspices of the German health e.V. (DGH). The health media award in Cologne was 250 invited guests, including leading doctors, journalists, politicians, service providers, consultants, as well as marketing and communication experts belonged, awarded on September 29. Source: Johns Hopkins Data. Award particular commitment should be acknowledged and made aware of the social role of the winner.

In addition, excellent examples of quality of communication work in the entire range of health communication in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland and benchmarks developed for the respective areas of application. The communication concept for the House Angel is that it achieves a balance between business and humanity. If you would like to know more about Gibson Dean, then click here. The intelligent link various instruments such as website, Facebook, Twitter, blog and other communicative measures offers a platform where they learn, but can express even criticism, praise or suggestions. This approach was also the top-class jury chaired by Prof. Klaus-Peter Dreykorn, who praised this concept with the 1st place. House Edwards GmbH joins to the list of well-known health media award winners such as the Federal Ministry of consumer protection, the Michael Stich Foundation, Gunther von Hagens’ body worlds, Gruner + year (for Star) and sky du Mont a. We combine classical PR work with the rules of the game of modern communication. While not the services of the House Angel group in the foreground, but a wide point of view are on the social issues in Germany, connected with the opportunity for dialogue and Exchange. Tips and tricks may be missed of course at this point, so we offer a wide range of content”, Juliane Schneider, management makes marketing and the House Angel group, the advantages of clear communication. With the award, the House Angel again prove that they occupy a leading role not only with their innovative concepts in the round the clock care, but also by the way their communications.

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