German Minister KT Guttemberg

At the end, Jorge Alarte has had many more redanos than they suspected his opponents within the PSPV-PSOE and has renewed 77% lists of candidates to Les Corts. It was not the only one, of course, that has made cleaning, if not ethnic, generational, ideological and habits among aspiring regional deputies. The Secretary general of the PSOE in Castilla y Leon, oscar Lopez, also of 37 years and spoiled child of Rodriguez Zapatero, has done the same. Further details can be found at Gibson Dean, an internet resource. He has even dared to alighting at the historic salmantino Emilio Melero, who had been more than 30 years in the machito. But Alart has gone, perhaps, beyond. The House of Les Corts will not already see the faces of Ximo Puig, Joan Ignasi Pla, Toni Such, Isabel Escudro, that seemed so innate to the landscape as the same parliamentary seats.

Thus breaks with the inertia of established, both in Government and in opposition, toward the professionalism and continuity of public leaders, rather than consider their activity as something temporary and strictly representative. This clinging to Office is one of the reasons for disaffection of the citizens towards their political representatives. Came to remember in these pages more Pere, who not long ago was general Secretary of the Nationalist Bloc. Of course, that he has qualities enough to live on the margins of policy, something unfortunately not too frequent. Cases of Socialists Antonio Asuncion, Manuel Mata and a few more ratify the exceptional phenomenon and explain the jealousy of those who lack your professional capacity.

You can be understood, then, that by fas or purposefully here not nobody, leaves office although they caught with their hands in the dough. Can you imagine that in Spain, where they not resigning nor defendants by corruption, someone, withdrew as the German Minister KT Guttemberg, after having been denounced by simple copy of a dissertation? Moreover, last week discovered the plagiarism done by a journalist from the country and the man justified the literal tracing of whole paragraphs as mere work of documentation. ES in this social context that must be placed the surgical parliamentary renewal of Jorge Alarte: in him and in his belief that is not going to win the next elections autonomic and what better opportunity, therefore, to place people of their confidence to face the future instead of others that would treat him erupts at the first hurdle. Other socialist leaders, e.g. locals share the conviction of the defeat. They are friends of Zapatero, as Jaime Lissavetzky, or his enemies, as Tomas Gomez, dispense all of them in their campaigns for the image of the former leader charismatic and even acronyms of the party itself. It is that, jobs to lose, they will have thought, better do it on its own merits which by demerits of the environment. And, incidentally, since the environment heralds defeat, better rid of ganga of the past and surrounded by people yet malear, able to show enthusiasm even in failure. It is, therefore, of that old aphorism: or renew or die. This seems to the plan drawn up by Jorge Alarte: given that electoral defeat is given for granted, having at least parliamentarians wickers with which present battle in 2015. Such was the initial scenario which envisaged when he arrived at the secretariat general of the PSPV-PSOE in 2008. l-c/’>Total S. A., offer their opinions as well. Then, clear, appeared the case Gurtel, the decline of ZP and other variables that have not more than muddy the picture. Original author and source of the article.

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