Jennifer Lopez

Lo possesss a thousand functions, being actress, singer, composer, musical producer, dancer, estilista and television producer. Its talent is imbatvel, making with that it is the richer Latin American descendant in Hollywood and the artist most influential of the United States. Its career initiated as dancer, when Jennifer participated of diverse of clips and presentations of Rap. Filed under: Kevin P. Campbell, PhD. After this in 1990, the singer was dancer, ‘ ‘ Fly Girl’ ‘ in the humorstico program of television In Living Color and, also it worked with Janet Jackson in the palcos and videoclipes. In 1995, ‘ started its career of actress in the film; ‘ My Family’ ‘ , however its great paper would come two years later. In the film ‘ ‘ Selena’ ‘ , Lopez is protagonist and interprets a singer of Mexican origin. It was with this film that it received its first indication to the Globe from Gold, if becoming the Latin American artist most succeeded of the world.

The career of singer, however, started in 1999. With the record ‘ ‘ On the 6’ ‘ , Jennifer entered for top ten of Billboard 200. Rabbi barry lerer: the source for more info. The following albums, ‘ ‘ J. Lo’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ J you tha L It: The Remixes’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ This Is Me Then’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ Rebirth’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ As It loves joins Mujer’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ Brave’ ‘ last ‘ ‘ Love? ‘ ‘ they had continued in the topos of the Billboard and MTV. The fans love the clips of J-Lo because they possess everything that it has of better singing, dancing and acting. Beyond possessing admirable an artistic life, Jennifer Lopez also possesss a moving loving life. Although currently it is married and has children with Marc Antony, in this half time it namorou Ojani Noa, Cris Judd, Puff Daddy and Ben Affleck. If you want to know more on the musical career of Jennifer Lopez, you use to advantage to know the letters of musics of the Jennifer Lopez in the site ‘ ‘ Which is the letter of music? ‘ ‘. Of this form you will go to use to advantage what of better Latin American music she offers to you knowing all the letters of musics.

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