Mar 24

The Family

Many problems of the adult phase would be tied to the occured disfunes between the child and ' ' ambiente' ' , represented generally for the mother. It from there comes the idea of ' ' mother enough boa' ' , that according to author (they ibidem) that one whose perception – conscientious or unconscious – of the necessities of takes it to the baby to answer adequately to the different periods of training of the development of it. This makes with that if it creates an environment – nominated for it of holding (whose better translation for the Portuguese, would be ' ' colo' ') – propitious to a process of formation of one human being independent. ' ' The holding is the somatrio of aconchego, perception, protection and joy supplied by me' ' , it says. Something starts as vital, as the oxygen and the feeding, and if it dilutes as the baby grows. Although this winnicottiana characteristic to answer for the adequacy of an environment where the child can better develop itself, has many other aspects that we can analyze, of the point of view of the family. In first place, the family of asperger needs to accept its son with the syndrome, in according to place, the necessary family of confirmador a necessary diagnosis and for after that taking its more adequate measures in relation to the conduction of the behaviors between its members, for then, being able to facilitate the environment of the child and not to constranger it for ' ' diferena' ' that it loads in itself. In third place, it is necessary that, ahead of the diagnosis, the family can develop positive attitudes in relation to the son with SA, where the affection, the respect and the love can be constructed throughout its life, thus allowing, optimum possible performance of its daily activities, preventing, in such a way, the conflicts around the isolated behavior of asperger.

Mar 21

PSF Health

Concerning the displayed one, were intended to detach the importance of the nurse as health manager, a time that this has technique-scientific capacity, organizacional and make use of creativity to launch condizentes proposals with the reality of its community, as well as implementing actions that go to the meeting of the expectations of the users of health of the population in question. The education for the creative thought is first step for the improvement of the level of innovation in the organizations. One is about a tool strategical of the management process and a differential for the nurse in the management of the nursing team, that when creating or innovating will be surprised at its potential. .

Mar 06


From the couch potato to the endurance athlete with ELAN for the marathon as one also successfully rises over 40 of the couch – or what do I need to run a marathon! Past: At the age of 41 was directed my life like that of many others: morning get up, drive to work, tear off 8 hours, go home, dinner, give the daughter a good night Kiss, often TV and then to bed – day in – day out – change only on the weekends, usually with alcohol at parties consisted… Fact was: the inner pig dog had me firmly in the grip of sport is murder was my guiding principle at most before the TV sport for me was adequate entertainment. Yes and smoking I was even, what erschwerendd I realized, as I climb up on a customer visit 7 floors on foot musste…es not much went 5 stock after the and I drew the opposite conclusion: “you’ve got to do something, otherwise soon not much. Well, it has thought everyone ever the difficulty is as always in life in the implementation! It took several weeks to even something moving. With the purchase of a cross trainer, I wanted to counteract my unfitness, but quickly lost the desire it because the stupid run as the “Hamster in the roller cage” not really ffur the soul was conducive. So, I came me to buy running shoes to try out jogging on the idea. The first run was devastating after approx.

2,000 meters, the air was at the end and I was close to the attack, so I thought at least. Despite these first impressions I like walking in the fresh air and I strengthened the jogging slowly and steadily… It was already 3 months, until I was able to run in a “pain-free” and the lungs provided got more clean air as tar smoke (I had quit now) and it worked better from week to week… Present: 1.5 years I am now almost every night as Rangers active and could constantly expand my reach. I have in the course of time completely changed my eating habits and put for the endurance also targeted on sports nutrition, a good friend from Vienna had recommended to me. This resulted in a performance increase, I would not so quickly can achieve with normal food. Then last fall the biggest success – I ran my first half marathon to the finish! Future: This year I will run a marathon – whether in Berlin or elsewhere I’ll decide spontaneously!

Nov 12

German Association

Wrap and Windows – more and more women manage the balancing act between private and professional life. But many give a wide berth to the subject of pensions. While they have to take special precautions. That women are at once very pale to the nose in their presence, Heath Hartel-Herrmann happens frequently. Namely, if the independent consultant to the women’s financial service in Cologne has calculated above their clients that they have done so far too little for their retirement. Because unfortunately women average always even rarer than men deal with their money matters, and are usually even worse informed. Too bad really because when women take their finances even in the hand, then often correctly successfully: According to several studies, women achieved a higher performance than men with their deposits, invested in but more conservative and more targeted.

“Early start of interest just for women is the subject of private old-age provision particularly important”, affirms Merten Larisch, age pension expert of the Bavaria consumer Center. The sooner they start, the better.” Namely, a handsome capital stock can be built already with low savings rates in the long run. That is the charm of the compounding”, Halder-Herrmann. Typical female pension problems women have it mostly harder than men, to build up a sufficient retirement savings. This has mainly three causes: broken acquisition biography family break, part time job, or even withdrawal from the labour market of children due to – all this reduces the demands placed on the statutory pension insurance.

Same work, unequal pay women earn less than men on the same position in the section about 20 percent. That diminishes their retirement later. Women live longer than men have aged with their additional private savings longer come out. Women have it right in many respects more difficult than men to provide (see box left). Statistically live longer and need money therefore aged longer. A currently 35-year-old woman has one according to the German Association of Actuaries Life expectancy of 96.5 years, a man only”92.1 years. And a girl born today has the promise of being even 103 years old. Suppose it comes with 67 in retirement, then it has to run financially 36 years. But what? The amount of subsequent statutory pension depends of the own purchase biography above all of the content and the number of years of employment. Women are men, however, but on average only 26 years, 37 years employed. Their pension entitlements are therefore usually much lower than that of men, and are often still overrated (see graphic below right). Many women get off whole or temporarily out of the job, when they have a child and fail in this time to build a foundation for the age private. When even the divorce comes, it will be really bitter for many (see Glossary). Bird-ostrich behavior is”a big mistake, judge Hartel-Herrmann. Women in the children break should insist from the common Family income regularly for an own supplementary pension to save.” High time for women so to care more about the pension and is not on the men to leave. As always, there is no patent solution. Assuming the risk hedging is dry (see on page 28), should women take to three questions: what do I need in retirement, what I already have, and what do I need in addition to close a possible gap.

Oct 24

Measures Before The Retirement

The terrace model of asset building – even if advertising and Bank advisors claim otherwise: There are important financial decisions that need to be addressed before retirement. Proceed in silence and step by step. The car is junk and the washing machine won’t drain the water? If you now need to overdraw your account, because everything that is left of the content plug in-bound set pension products, then you have done something wrong understanding. Before you begin retirement, make some other important decisions. The terrace model of interest is helpful. After each stage of the terrace should be followed.

The first level is the ongoing payments. For this you need a checking account. There should exceed a monthly take-home pay, because the money is usually not or hardly any interest. When choosing a current account you check in advance, that it suits you and is not too expensive. Comparison sites help often on the Internet.

Have you noticed anything, then you can check off one level and move on to the next. The terrace model of interest with this model for systematic asset accumulation safeguard your liquidity and avoid the danger of having to cancel long-term contracts to Unzeiten. 1 terrace 1: Ongoing payments for this you need a checking account. Here, no more than a monthly net salary should be because the money usually no interest will be paid and thus discards any returns. 2. terrace 2: The “nest egg” in a day cash account should be the reserves for short-term spending available anytime. About two or three Nettogehalter are indicative for the amount. 3. terrace 3: Money for bigger purchases here save for planned targets: a new car, or the Foundation for a House. Appropriate forms of investment are federal bonds, pensions, real estate funds. 4. terrace 4: Retirement ends up the money that remains after the first three steps at this stage. Suitable products are also sponsored pensions or a real estate equity funds.

Oct 08

Energy Saving: Powersafer Stops Standby Consumption On TV, HiFi And Co.

TV, hi-fi system or satellite receiver: secret energy guzzlers are electrical appliances in standby mode. The Powersafer PS X electrical appliances in standby mode automatically disconnects from the mains as soon as they are as usual be turned off via the remote control. Up to five devices can be simultaneously in the small savings miracle connected, for example TV, DVD player, hi-fi system, or satellite receiver. With a single Powersafer PS X, consumers can reduce their annual energy bill by up to 90 euros. The energy-saving mode of action of Powersafer products has been confirmed by the Federal Environmental Agency. A TV in stand by mode is about as useful as a car, the motor will continue to run just because you need it again the next day in the garage”, explains Dietmar Knaup, Managing Director of Powersafer. “To save power, is the most people each evening at the TV to remove the plug from the socket, but too cumbersome for this reason we have developed the HP X.” Profitable due to the lower energy consumption the purchase of the HP X already after a few months.

And the environment is also something like this: depending on less power must be produced, the less carbon dioxide burdened the atmosphere so can everyone make a contribution for a clean environment and an intact air. Over 3 billion rubles every year the Germans, because they turn their electrical appliances on standby after use. Because even though the devices not running, they consume electricity according to Federal Environment Office around 17 billion kilowatt hours further. A lot of energy for the two large power stations must run day and night. This costs not only money, but also polluting CO2, which is released when generating electricity from coal, gas or oil.

Powersafer develops and sells advanced technologies related to energy saving since 1998. Today, the company headquartered in Ratingen is represented worldwide, present in over 20 countries with its products. Contact: Katja Beyer Powersafer GmbH phone: 02102/12374-11 fax: 02102/12374-23 E-Mail: Web: press contact: PR-Fritze. Andreas Peter Hendgen Tel: 0221/3371903 fax: 0221/3371904 E-Mail: Web:

Oct 01

Breeding Rabbits

With a little understanding in the breeding of dwarf rabbits is a bit deeper into his breeding wild ancestor of the European rabbit, from whom all the different breeds of domestic rabbits. And so wild rabbit differs a great fecundity, as conveyed by our domestic rabbits. But everything in nature is in balance, so such a large fertility must be some minuses, otherwise the rabbits would have flooded the entire planet)) So that's disadvantages include poor health, especially in the first year of life. Up to 90% of wild rabbits are killed in this period of life. One of the major diseases leading to death of young rabbits is coccidiosis. Well, now get back to our pygmy rabbits. Dwarf rabbits begin to breed at 6 months.

There are more early puberty, is more pozdnee.Esli rabbit mature after 9-12 months. That might be used in breeding it is not necessary. Weight dwarf rabbits destined for breeding desirable at least 1 kg in females and males from 900gr. Males are ready to mate all year round, except during periods of molting (in this period, males may breed, but usually fertilization does not occur). The females have a so-called hochuha (readiness to mate) usually occurs every 9-12 days. At this time the female becomes more aggressive digs litter issues purring sounds.

Genitals Females swell up and become reddish. Here in this state and gives a lift female to male. Come across shy males, they may refuse to mate with the female on the territory of others.

Sep 21

10 Important Steps To Overcome Depression

Every time they go through problems and if it was not followed very carefully you can enter a cycle of anguish. A routine of terrible suffering. Also known as the love of suffering. And depression is, precisely, the accommodation in this cycle. In my lectures I have made many in Brazil references to my time of crisis (which sometimes even return) tighten through financial resources, needs and dilemmas of the family in different levels, also I know of others that were or are going through serious problems of health, family, professional, sentimental. You can, now, is just in the middle of a turbulancia and it would be very selfish on my part to not share with you a bit of help I received and attitudes that have to cope with the difficult years of the trends that deliver the sadness and depression. My 10 steps and mingle sent to my narrative.

A decisive fact, while we are fighting depression, (1) what you think determines the quality of your day. You decide whether or do not use, that day, his mind with thoughts good or bad. You do not understand, but think that all thought is inevitable. But it is not. It is not so. (2) We must take control of our thoughts, or it is what we want. We are only what interest flow.

Taking into account only what, for a quick analysis, be considered beneficial. I remember a very interesting day in my process fight depression: the electricity company had cut off my light. Led included clock (days until I had linked to power on its own, angry with the situation), then I had two alternatives: 1. Me rebels and new feeding feelings of anger, anxiety and revenge, 2. Plan a dinner with candles and a demoinstrar my family the benefits of bath of ice. (Humor isn’t it?) Yes, but what I did, (3) I decided by the second alternative (that also this), take the bath ice and a dinner with candles.

Jan 30


The first registers of this root had appeared for return of century XVIII AC, in the Mesopotmia. Many studies have shown that the Romans, Egyptians and the Greeks, already they incluam the beetroot, in its feeding. It has as native country, the Europe. Nowadays, it already is part of our feeding, although that I believe that many people, still are unaware of its better characteristics. Three types of this hortalia exist: The one that sugar produces, that is the known one as sugar, the one that serves for the feeding of the domestic animals, call of forrageira and that one that is consumed by us, as hortalia, being that this last one is known of the Brazilians.

The beetroot is very rich. It has diverse nutrients very, being a healthful food, it can be consumed cozida or raw in saladas, as picles, in condiments, etc. The leves are very nutritional, perhaps the part richest of them. However, they many times are rejected, therefore its root is more flavorful. Its leves can be prepared cozidas, as we make with the spinach or acelga. Scientifically, we do not have evidence of all the benefits, that say that it can providing in them, but give credit that the beetroot is a very nutritional food source and that it benefits our health very. Of all the vegetables, the beetroot is the one that possesss more sugar, but exactly thus it has few calories. Each xcara has only 50.

The beetroot is also used as medicine, therefore it is rich in acid flico, that is part of the complex B, also contains iron, match, calcium, potassium, vitamin C, riboflavina, vitamin, the tiamina one, beyond proteins and carboidratos. Now that already we know of all the properties of this root, we go to look for to eat more, therefore beyond very nutritional, it is very gostosa. If you do not have the consumiz habit it, you try to cook it with the beans, before preparing it for salada, you you do not go to repent yourself. He takes care of of its feeding and health with NutrCut.

Aug 03

Use Your Tips Wisely

If it is too high, use a low bench or stand. Importantly, to hanging on straightened arms and legs, you do not touch the floor. If you have a weak grip, use the special straps. Arms and legs fully extended. The back is slightly bend at the waist.

Take a breath. Hold your breath Pull the legs back a little and powerful movement lift them as high as possible. Try to always keep our legs straightened (but not locked at the knees). If you have strong hamstrings, feet can be slightly bent, but fix the angle at the knees until the end of the set. Raise your hips above the waist! At the top point even more tense press and try to stay in this position a couple of seconds. Gently lower the leg, pause, and then do next iteration. If hard to carry out the ups with straight (or almost straight) legs can bend them any more. The main thing with this – do not change the angle at the knees until the end of set! Tips The more you raise the legs, the greater the load on press.

In the initial phase of the movement are working almost exclusively hip flexors. Abdominal muscles while in a state of isometric contraction (tense, but did not change their length), and the proportion of the burden on them is minimal. They begin to shrink in length and are actively involved in the job only after you lift your feet higher than 30-45 from the vertical.