Physiology Endocrinology

An excellent strategy in your plan to make the way to lose fat of the belly is to learn to eat foods of low glucmico index. The visceral fat a bad actor In simple terms, to eat foods with low IG, not only can reduce the accumulation of the fat of the belly, the foods with low IG also allow you to dissipate the fat constantly of existing, well-known belly like visceral fat. The stored visceral fat accumulation around the internal is known like " syndrome metablico" or " X&quot syndrome;. This is caused per years to eat foods with high IG, like foods highly process, fast foods of convenience, and food scrap iron. To eat foods with high IG, causes that it for a long period raises to the tips of the sugar in the blood several times of time, promotes the visceral fat accumulation (the fat of the belly).

Long term the food consumption with high IG has demonstrated that it causes important health hazards. Nevertheless, the recent scientific evidence has demonstrated that the individuals that consumed a diet of low IG during many years found in a significantly smaller risk to develop to the diabetes type 2, coronary disease, and degeneration to spot among others related to the age. last investigations What must say the most recent investigation about how losing the fat of the belly inferior, generally? How to lose fat of the belly inferior When the University of Duke and investigators of the Medical Center realizarn a comparison with aerobic exercise, resistance training, and a combination of both, was whereupon the aerobic exercise he is component a key ones for the most efficient and more effective form to lose the fat of the belly. The resistance training is ideal to improve the force and? the increase of the thin corporal mass. But you have overweight, that two thirds of have it to the population, and want to lose fat of the belly, the aerobic exercise is the best option because burning fire more calories. The aerobic training burning fire 67 pct.

more calories in the study, comparison with the resistance training. The study will be published in the American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism. A decision! Everything is reduced to make the decision to learn to lose fat of the belly inferior, and soon to take action. To commit itself to a change of life style, and not to a diet. Certainly already you know answer to the question: " What happens after leaving your diet? " , No? (All the weight gains backwards and More) . If it is not now, when? You can once and for all begin the correct way towards the loss of healthful fat More information available in Like losing kilos quickly.

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