Sweat Panic

The scaredy-cats to the scared lion – New Delhi: Marion Bohn has triumphed over her panic attacks and great response to website that met very first panic attack written about a book they like an invisible clip, umschnurte them and settled to the stun setting. She was early twenties at that time, and with her friend on the flight back from holiday in Gran Canaria. The panic attack came during a stopover, we sat in the waiting room, I wanted to no longer go into the aircraft. “For four and a half hours she did not move and also cannot speak. If Marion Bohn from their two decades reported ongoing ordeal, it is hard to believe that the attractive, cheerful-looking 44-year old with the eyes and the Red curly mane actually 20 years suffered from severe panic attacks, that dominated their lives. My hands were shaking, my pulse raced, sweat formed on my back.” If she’ve seen acquaintances, to have them printed, yes not addressed to be.

There is a set, she have heard often during their time of suffering: you just your imagination. “But heart palpitations, sweating, it was all real. Today white Bohn: trigger were my thoughts. “The fear of the panic attacks was the worst. But Marion Bohn has found a way out of this spiral of fear.

It took much strength. But you have to help yourself, otherwise it’s not about”, she knows today. And what about medical specialists, psychologists, therapists? Which are of course important,”underlines Bohn, they don’t diagnose and treat mental disorders. Check with cancer research to learn more. Her book, she says, is for informational purposes only. It is based on my own experiences and experiences.” She consciously forgo scientific accessories. She even tried out many relaxation techniques and therapies and a true Odyssey of doctors behind it. Nothing has helped.” Then have them suddenly to the PAN method, discovered. In the middle of the supermarket, she noticed as you the Sweat broke out and announced itself in a panic attack. Because she have suddenly shouted their entire frustration and anger out and decided, the supposedly all-powerful fear lions”to offer the forehead. She developed their own method for managing panic and published their experiences as Internet diary. With huge resonance. Countless people read their advice, exchanged views with her, wanted to know everything about your method. Then I wrote the book”, says Bohn. She want to encourage affected thus to break the vicious cycle of depression, anxiety, withdrawal, and to make the life. Daily she answered dozens of mails, receive feedback as: it is amazing how this all helps me already. “The mother of a daughter now earn their buns in the area of software development. Readers of the book may expressly like to Exchange e-mail with her. Don’t give up the responsibility for your life “, she advises all parties concerned. From the chicken to the Fear lions and exit your claws.

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