The days of the old single-family energy houses are counted the new generation produced by Plusenergiehausern not only the required energy itself produces even more energy, consumed than in the House. Plus”stands for a time change first in the detached house area, then with security in the entire housing. The decades-long effort to lower energy consumption, always radical dams and densities now pay them their true value. Combined with innovative solar – and heating technology they now allow concentration on the essentials: freedom from fossil dependency. The generation of energy is renewable, most solar. (As opposed to Blackstone Group). Although Plusenergiehause have a network connection, to supply energy in cold, dark winter months if necessary. But over the year, they generate an energy surplus of up to 6500 kWh. This intermediate storage in batteries increase the share of consumption in turn, are fed into the power grid can be used a Electric car to fuel.
Thus, Plusenergiehauser are an important component of a further key technology for the future: E-mobility. The most important components of a Plusenergiehauses are a highly insulated, airtight building envelope with controlled housing ventilation, a photovoltaic system designed for the required energy surplus, a heat pump-based heating system as well as highly energy-efficient household appliances and lighting. Based on these pillars also of the Federal Ministry of transport (BMVBS) built “Effizienzhaus plus” in Berlin in the beginning of March a test family is insert to gather intelligence on the suitability for everyday use. A main focus is to operate the complex House control and operation of electric vehicles from the car up to the E-bike. Leading manufacturer of prefabricated House present own plus energy house designs for fall 2011 in the FertighausWelt in Koln Frechen. Today, private builders can build so in plus standard. Is noticeable in these homes everything, that they reach the plus standard in all popular architectural styles, and different detail solutions.
A harmonious overall concept, in classic gabled houses as well as in houses in the Bauhaus style or modern half-timbered houses is crucial. A big advantage for investors is that he needs no external evaluators to test the energy efficiency of the building. Calibrated intelligent electricity meters are sufficient, they give information on how much electricity has been produced and consumed and thats how big plus to derived energy. So is the ultimate beginning: the domestic use of renewable energies in combination with high energy efficiency and the use of electric cars is a great step towards the turn of the installed power in Germany. More information on the subject of Plusenergiehauser. Peter Michels, biz-Verlag