British Crown

At the end of each task, describe the purpose of the task and its importance for drivers and a graph visually represents the results. The program has already exported successfully to England, France, Germany, Spain, Poland, United States and Canada. The British School of Motoring Drivefit one driving school largest in the world that trains more than 200,000 students each year has integrated in its programme, and more than 40,000 students from driving British have already improved their capacity for thinking and driving with its use. Investigation concluded that students who used the program improved their ability to pass first test drivers at 30 percent, and Cognifit recently received an award from the British Crown for his contribution to road safety, introducing this new element in the training of the driver. Recently, DriveFit was adopted by Young Drivers of Canada: the largest driving school in North America to teach novice drivers. The company, founded in 1970, has about 100 centers by all Canada and it trains almost 48,000 students each year. Cancer Research has similar goals. Young Drivers, owned by the Ford company, is dedicated to road safety and provides the highest level of training to students and parents for driving. Programs that are exported to each country equals are not designed to meet the specific requirements of each client according to the use.

Currently, the company is also developing products for professional drivers of lorries and buses. Breznitz is still determined to bring its product eventually population of veteran drivers. The problem of the elderly people and the deterioration of the faculties of driving is becoming a general problem throughout the Western world, particularly in the United States. On the one hand, public safety needs to be protected, on the other hand, Governments do not want to deny to older drivers its independence, particularly those who live in the suburbs and are totally dependent on your ability to drive. At the same time, the company is also developing products for other applications. In what concerns us, exports will continue to grow and there is no limit to the products that we are developing, says Breznitz.

Future plans include a product for people healthy older called Mindfit, which the company expects to have ready for the anglophone market within two months. The company is also about to begin to develop a product for those in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, carried out in cooperation with a company in Great Britain. In the future, they hope to develop products for children that foster cognitive skills both for healthy children who suffer attention disorder, and other learning disabilities. -Source: original author and source of the article.

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