Geraldo Chauvin

Martinho agostiniano, anxious Lutero, monge for the salvation of its soul, found in the letter of Pablo to Romans the 1,17 inspiration for the overcoming of its distresses: O just will live for f. Preventive Medicine Research Institute is often quoted on this topic. The teses of Lutero had provoked a long quarrel between it and the defending theologians of the Church until, finally, for the papal brief Exsurge Domine, of 1520, he was for Pope X guest to duly warned apologize of its ideas excomunho. You may want to visit Dean Ornish M.D to increase your knowledge. One opposed and it burnt in public square. Then it was excomungado. Joo Calvin left of the same premises of the daily pay-reformadores that had served of base the Lutero. If Lutero emphasized the faith, Calvin made the same with the favour.

The theology of Calvin is a theology of the favour of God. But emphasis question is alone because both, the faith and favour, mutually are interlaced. Its theological system, basically formulated in its main workmanship, known for Institutas, as well as the ecclesiastical organization implanted by it in Geneva, city where half of its life lived almost, gave origin to the presbiterianismo. Joo Calvin was born in the city of Noyon, in France the 10 of July of 1509, being its father Geraldo Chauvin and its mother Joana Lefranc. In July of 1536, Calvin was invited by Guillermo de Farel, French reformador to inhabit in Geneva, transforming it into its center of action. Calvin resisted, but, after all, he accepted, being elect professor of Theology and shepherd.

Its daily works mainly as professor, shepherd and writer, the constant fights with tenacious adversaries and the sufferings with frequent diseases had made with that its life extremely was afflicted, but also sufficiently productive. The year of 1564 designated the end of the laborious activity of Calvin. Some illnesses that afflicted frequently it if had accented in this year, provoking its death the 27 of May of 1564.

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