Hemorrhagic Affection

Finlay, in Cuba, was who aventou the hypothesis of being the illness transmitted for the mosquito, what at the time he was not admitted, being then ridicularizado therefore, therefore this only occurred last 20 years! Thanks to commission of army North American commanded for major Walter Reed, that if found again in Havana, in Cuba, that suffered new epidemic from the illness, demonstrated in irrefutable way the rightness of the Finlay theory. Today, passed 130 years more than one becomes important to demystify? others miasmas: An important one exists makes a mistake in the analysis of a sorologia examination/viral isolation of a patient with Affection: The differences found between the sorologia of an individual suffering a FIRST AFFECTION with another patient passing for one SECOND AFFECTION, THIRD or FOURTH AFFECTION goes, evidently to show differences! But this does not indicate the existence of 04 types of virus! If Finlay obtained to demystify? miasmas? I can have hopes that the evidence of a sequential virus only infections that the AFFECTION involves! To each 04 years new epidemic in different regions occurs, but some states (Rio De Janeiro, for example), an epidemic comes if intercalating in another one! Here given for analysis: The main occured epidemics of affection in the city of Rio De Janeiro, being they: 1986/1987 (introduction of sorotipo 1 of the virus); 1990/1991 (introduction and predominance of sorotipo 2); 2001/2002 (introduction and predominance of sorotipo 3). (The epidemic of Affection/Hemorrhagic Affection 2001/2002 in the city of Rio De Janeiro) .REVISTA OF the BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE the River suffered in 2005/2006 another epidemic and, again 2009/2010 if extending per the year of 2011. The Affection continues dominating, with strange facts, aggressive and unnecessary nonsenses, that involve since inadequate insecticides, medicines, applied mounts of money randomly, unprepared hospital medical attendance/. As the doctor said well Vilela Landmarks, the Affection is only the tip of iceberg BEATRIZ ANTONIETA LOPES Biologist Course in Medical Entomologia

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