A professional who does not have experience, or even though that she does not make the care adequately will go to cause accidents, as the accidental extubao, being one of the causes most frequent of accident related to the ventilation mechanics. The accidental or not planned extubao, is understood as the inadvertent and not intentional withdrawal of the ventilatrio and characterized device as an adverse event of the care, when it occurs causes to increase of the morbidade and mortality, and, being related to the care of nursing it demands reflection on the causes that had led to its occurrence (YAKOY, 2000). It stops Yakoy (2000) when an accidental extubao occurs has consequences for the patient in diverse aspects. If it becomes necessary the reintubao and always it has an increase of the ventilation time mechanics that generates greater internment time. Consequently it increases the risk of hypoxaemia, atelectasis, pneumonia associated with the ventilation mechanics (PAV), injury in trachea, hemodinmica, cardiac arrest instability and to the times until the death. So that it has one better attendance to the RN of high risk and to prevent possible accidents during the manipulation, a series of measures can be taken, that the qualification of the professional, the work in team go even though since and the increase of the human resources, therefore the lack of it makes with that if it becomes dificultoso more the assistance the RN, harming the care. The demand of attendance of the clientele, with more complex necessities each time, has printed overload of work to the integrant ones of the nursing team, having influenced and making it difficult implantation of any measure that favors the quality of the given assistance (GAIDZINSKI, 2005). As Kurcgant (1991) the work in team is the set or group of people with complementary abilities compromised the one others for the mission and common objectives gotten by the negotiation between the involved social actors and a work plan in common. .